9 Elms Development | Portfolio Categories 9Elm
Nine Elms Development LLC makes market access to North America easier, faster, and more affordable for small international companies with innovative ideas. Using contacts made from rich careers in energy, mining, food and beverage, the team at Nine Elms leverage their talent to create opportunities for all of their clients, no matter the industry.
organizational development, business development, global sales, operations excellence, Nine Elms, 9 elms, Nine Elms Development, 9 elms development, mining, consulting, energy, media, consumables, manufacturing, professional services, market access, food, beverage, broadcasting, heavy equipment, food packaging, food ingredients, confectionary
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10 Dec “How much should we pay these people?”

CASE STUDY “How much should we pay these people?” Several clients have approached us for customized, professional training, which typically begins with an unconventional needs analysis. (Our needs analyses do not ask “what kind of training do you need?” but rather “what kinds of problems keep recurring?”...

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10 Dec “Find us some new markets!”

CASE STUDY "Find us some new markets!" Research This is work we’ve performed successfully for several types of companies, both manufacturing firms and service providers. In essence, it occurs when a client has excess manufacturing capacity that they need to fill quickly, or when changes are occurring in...

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